Chelsea Ray Riekkola

Chelsea is a shareholder at Foley & Pearson, P.C. where she has practiced estate planning and administration since 2014. She helps clients and their families understand and navigate the transitions of death and incapacity from a legal (and sometimes emotional) perspective. Chelsea has a passion for educating and empowering her clients and believes strongly in the power of planning for the future. She has authored a number of articles and presented to numerous organizations on a variety of estate planning topics, including planning for high net worth individuals, planning for digital assets, and charitable planning. Her love of order and organization is well-suited to her transactional practice, and untangling fraught legal and interpersonal knots gives her great joy. She also directs her skills and passion toward her volunteer pursuits on local boards and for the Alaska Legal Services Corporation.

Chelsea was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska. She is a former law clerk to the Honorable Judge McKay (retired), the daughter of the Honorable Charles W. Ray, Jr. (retired) and Jenny Ray, and the wife of Brian Riekkola, founding partner of North Star Law Group. When not in the office, you are likely to see Chelsea on the trails in the greater Anchorage area, often sporting an unusual combination of shorts and expedition mittens, and frequently escorted by her dog, Pickle.


It all started when…

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